Welcome to The Yearbook

I'm starting a blog and I went ahead and signed you up for it... lol


It’s me.

No, not Adele… and definitely not Lionel Richie (although my mom used to listen to him all the time).

But it’s me, Dino. And I’m doing something today I never thought I would do…

I’m starting a blog.

Now I’ve definitely tried to do this a few times. I used to blog back in 2012 on Tumblr, I had a blog on Wix for a bit, and then I’ve been keeping a list of personal writings in my own Notion.

It’s fun and I enjoy it.

However I’ve never challenged myself to anything crazy. I’ve never tried to build something. I’ve always been a bit to flimsy when it comes to motivation and I typically only write when I’m feeling overly emotional or worthless.

But this time I realize something: I don’t have anything that tells my story. Me. Dino Favara, Jr. Who is me? Who is this guy? Yes, my instagram could do this, but I barely post there any more. YouTube for sure, but I still have a lot to do there. I haven’t posted on Facebook in nearly three years.

I don’t have anywhere to keep track of my life.

So here we are… it’s all coming full circle. Back in the early 2000’s everyone was blogging. I wasn’t old enough to know how to type but I notice all the old school business people have a blog and it’s actually something I’m super jealous of.

Nevhille Medhora (nevblog.com) and Nick Gray (nickgray.net) are a few examples of blogs I find interesting as well as Derek Sivers (dereksivers.com) and Jack Raines (youngmoney.co)

So that’s what I’m setting out to do here. Taking it one step at a time.

Maybe it’s daily recaps, and maybe it’s writing essays on topics and ideas. But overall the goal is this: I want my kids to read this. I want them to be able to read about their old man… the stories of his youth and the stories of them when they were growing up.

I want to document things so when they think I’m old and boring I have proof that I’m way cooler than them (selfish, I know).

I also just straight up MISS writing. I want to classify myself as a writer. And in order to do that, I need to:

  1. Write

  2. Start sentences with the word “and”

We are on our way!

Why “The Yearbook”?

Remember at the end of the year when you would excitedly look through your yearbook and see all the cool things people were doing? Remember how you only looked for pictures of yourself and drew barf on your enemies?

Was that just me?

Well I love looking back at my yearbooks from high school. I always get lost flipping through the pages and floating through my old memories. Old memories are jostled out of the figurative attic that is my brain and OTHER old memories are found laying dormant.

I love it so much.

Not to mention the most fun part? Getting your friends to sign your yearbook. So fun to see what your crush says and how many people just lazily write “HAGS”

It’s a rush to get as many people as possible to sign your yearbook and anxiously await to see who asks you in the process.

Well that’s what I want from this. To have something to drift through and then to share it with others.

Please join along. I can’t wait to see how this goes.

