Call Me Daddy

We just had a baby!

“It’s Time”

Two words that felt like a bucket of cold water to the face.

At about 3:55am on Thursday morning, December 7th (Jenny’s due date), it was finally time to drive to the hospital and meet baby Dino.

We grabbed our hospital bags, got dressed, vlogged (of course), and hopped in the car in between Jenny’s contractions. It was finally happening. We were about to have a baby!

I turned to Jenny and said,

“Let’s stop for a minute and remember this mome-”


“Yes ma’am”

We preceded to spend the next 23.5 hours in the hospital waiting for the baby to come. Jenny endured almost 15 hours of contractions before she got a full epidural (long story) and then she started her first push at 9:30pm.

and three hours later at 12:25am on December 8th, Dino Attillio Favara III was born!

Jenny was INCREDIBLE and punched out an 8lbs 3oz baby

Prayer for My Son

Leading up to the due date, I knew the first thing I wanted him to hear from me was scripture. So I looked through the WHOLE Bible (okay maybe Google helped me a bit with this one) and found a verse that I wanted to speak over his life.

I took some time last week to write down a prayer for him and I wanted to share that with you all here as well.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged - Deuteronomy 31:8


Moses has been leading the Israelites for 40+ years. He led them out of Egypt and, because of their mistakes, has led them around the wilderness… unable to find the promised land. He mentions earlier in this passage that he’s over 120 years old!! (holy crap)

But now he’s handing the reigns over to Joshua, the new young leader Moses has been training up for the last forty years.

Funny enough, Joshua was about 60 years old when he took over for Moses… Moses was around 80 when he began to lead the Israelites and Joshua was close to 20-30.

This is Moses’ last official command as the leader of a people whom he was an ambassador for during the last quarter of his live. It wasn’t a plea, and it wasn’t a strategic playbook… it was simply the affirmation that God himself is with us and will not forsake us. Do not be afraid nor discouraged.


Throughout my life, something that has constantly attacked me is discouragement. It may not look it due to my positive outlook, but discouragement and fear has killed many of my dreams and desires more than anything else has.

I constantly believe that I must be the person to go and figure it all out myself.

This verse reminds me of how false this belief is. The Lord is not only WITH me, but He goes BEFORE me and conquers. He sets up my path and prepares a way for me… Everything I have ever accomplished in life is a direct result of the Lords preparation of the people I meet, the preparation of my heart, and the preparation of worldly circumstances.

I want this verse to be the first one spoken over Dino III because I want this to be true for him. I want him to know the Lord is with him. I desire for him to not live in fear or discouragement, but rather in power, love, and self discipline (2 Timothy 1:7)

My Prayer For You (and Baby Dean)

Dear Jesus,

You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows.

Thank you for your relentless love and unceasing care of me, your child. You protect me. You teach me. You grow me. You knit me. You are with me.

Thank you for how you provide for me. Whenever I am in need, you provide. When others are in need, you prompt me to help provide for them. I am your vessel and tool, Jesus.

I thank you for a son. You have blessed Jenny and I with a child and pieced him together in the womb. You know exactly how many hairs will be on his head, and you know the plans you have for him. Jesus, I ask that our son would grow in your word. We desperately ask for one thing, and that’s the confidence Dino would fall madly in love with you. We ask you would go before him and make his path straight so that he would find his way to you. We pray for him to not live in fear, but rather in courage. He would be confident in your presence and make decisions with wisdom, grace, and kindness.

Thank you Jesus


We’ll Chat Soon

Dino Jr.